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labdesk directors take on gruelling '30x30' challenge to support Peace and Mind UK

labdesk have teamed up with 'Peace and Mind UK' to support the amazing work they do. The team will be raising awareness and funds for Peace and Mind throughout the year.

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Two of the labdesk directors are looking to kick off this fund raise with a bang. They have been planning this challenge for a few months, and have now confirmed all funds raised will go to support the mission of Peace and Mind UK.


Who are Peace and Mind?

'Planting Seeds of Resilience, Empathy & Unity'

Peace and Mind are dedicated to improving mental health in today’s society, by promoting mindfulness to create a more compassionate and supportive community for all.

THE REALITY - The Impact of Modern Technology

The modern world in which we live has made life easier in some ways but seems to have impacted our mental health negatively.

Young people have a far more complicated life now with the technology available. Smart phones and social media have increased pressures on both young people and their parents.

We have 24 hour information overload in our hands. Information ranging from all of the troubles in the world, to filter perfect Instagram models.

  • Alarming Surge in Child Mental Health

  • Youth Psychiatric A&E Tripled 2010-2018

  • Disturbing Youth Self-Harm Statistics

  • Youth Suicide: A Devastating 2019 Reality Emerges


16 year old Brianna Ghey was brutally murdered on the 11th February 2023. Throughout Brianna’s teenage years she suffered with poor mental health. Her mental health worsened during the pandemic. Brianna became used to living her life online and would refuse to go out due to anxiety. She struggled so much that the high school which she attended had to give her a reduced timetable and accommodate her learning in smaller classes.

"I'm delighted that the directors at labdesk have chosen Peace & Mind UK for their fundraiser. This challenge isn't only going to be hard work for the body, but for the mind as well! This is going to take strength and mental resilience - I am in complete admiration! I will be cheering you both on from the side-lines. Good luck" 🌸



Esther Ghey, Director at Peace & Mind UK

The Challenge - 30x30

What do you get when you combine a 30kg sandbag, 30+ kilometres of terrain, and 2 of the labdesk directors?

A fund raising challenge like no other!

The labdesk directors are taking on the 30x30 challenge to raise funds and awareness for Peace and Mind UK.

The 30x30 challenge is not for the faint-hearted. It involves carrying a 30kg sandbag over 30+ KM of varied terrain. The directors will have to endure physical and mental fatigue, muscle soreness, blisters, and weather conditions. They will have to work as a team, support each other, and push themselves to the limit.

They aim to complete the challenge in under 12 hours, but their main goal is to finish it together and raise as much money and awareness as possible for Peace and Mind UK.

  • 30KG

  • 30+KM

  • August 2024


The Team



“The challenge & cause are a perfect fit and it just made sense to support Esther and her work.

Young people today are under huge amounts of social influence and pressure. Whilst we at labdesk celebrate the adoption of technology to aid learning, it's vital that it's controlled & used safely.

Our youth society can access the internet within a few clicks, not to mention a wide variety of social media platforms, but the internet can be a dangerous place, particularly without any restrictions.

Sometimes it's easy to forget the impact social media can have on the younger generation, from pressures to look a certain way to online bullying, it's accessible 24/7. For some it may be a positive platform, but for others the anxiety, stress & pressure is too much.

Which is why the challenge is perfect for this cause - a 30+ KM hike with a 30kg sandbag. Yes it's a brutal physical challenge, and will not get easier as you go. But, more than anything it's a mental challenge, and represents the heavy influence and pressure that young people carry on their shoulders every day.

Bring it on!!!”

James Rooney, labdesk - Operations Director

“We have completed some tough (silly!) challenges over the years. This is looking like it may top our past efforts. We have ran, hiked, cycled and rowed before for charity.

This is different. You can't hide from the sandbag. You can't make it easier when the going get's tough.

The weight is the weight, the distance is the distance.

This will be about the mental toughness just as much as the physical challenge, if not more! When we came up with this challenge, we knew we needed a meaningful cause to support to help us achieve it.

When we heard about Esther's story and mission, we had to support Peace and Mind”

Mike Douglass, labdesk - Commercial Director

Want to donate?

Please dig deep - Click the below banner to launch our Crowdfunder page. Thank you!
